Wednesday, August 21, 2013


I’m such a nerd.
Loving my job at Ruach, which is accounting for all the lempiras going in and out of the school. It was a bit of a challenge at first, adapting my software to work with Honduran payroll, not to mention having to do everything in Spanish, but the beauty of accounting is that it is universal. No matter what country or time period you’re in, your debits have to always equal your credits. You see, God is a god of perfect order. And in the beginning He created all things in perfect order. His creation included principals in life that we see manifested in subjects like physics and biology, … and accounting – perfect balance with reconciliation. Man did not invent accounting, but only discovered what God had already created. And every day I have the privilege of working with that creation as I put together a financial picture of the school, in a different language, in a different currency, and in a different (and challenging) environment. And when it’s all done, it balances. You see, when we follow God’s order, God’s principals for our lives, God’s cause and effect rules, we are blessed with God’s results. Sure, bad stuff can happen because we live in a fallen world. But I choose to follow the principals of the Creator of the universe.

So here’s the best part of my job: I am slowly getting to know each student and his/her parents. So as I see each child’s name in my accounts, I don’t just see names. I see precious children that I get to be with every day, children that love to laugh and dance, children that struggle with their paces, children that have a rough home life, children that love to sing and be dramatic, children whose dad has no job and cannot afford to pay tuition, children who come to the office in tears with a bloody knee or tummy ache, children who love to sleep, children who were mugged over the weekend, children who just lost a loved one prematurely. When I see each child, sometimes I think, “there is no way I could love these kids more than I do today.” And the next day, there is more love.

Equally the best part of my job is the relationships with the teachers. As I prepare each paycheck for each teacher, I see that teacher – working with the students in the classroom, praying fervently during devotion, loving on a crying child, disciplining a child that hasn’t done his homework, meeting with parents, praying with each child before taking a test. I praise God for our teachers that love and serve Him. I praise God for the true relationship that I enjoy every day working and hanging out with these awesome teachers.

I would have to say that when you can live out the passions in your heart, true joy abounds. Thank you God, for PASSION and JOY!